Flowing Thoughts

Are Trending Face Masks Worth All the Hype?
Makeup and skincare trends come and go like the seasons and one such obsession revolved around face masks. These sheet masks are marketed....
Face Roller - Benefits, Risks, How to Do It?

A face roller often comes up when talking about improved skin elasticity. They typically have a smooth, cold surface and come in a range of materials. But, do they actually work?...

What is Rosacea and Can You Treat It?
If you have blemishes on your face that seem like acne and your face looks flushed, you may have rosacea. It's a common chronic inflammatory skin...
Using Argan Oil on Face for Ar-Gain
Every year, we use profound amounts and varieties of oils. They can be found in everything right from our kitchen to our cosmetics...
Oil Cleansing for Your Face: Yay or Nay?
Everyone’s probably familiar with the idea of cleansing their face. But, when you think of cleansers, what usually comes to mind are liquid, foamy or gel face washes...
Tips For Facial Massage Without Using Any Tools
Facial massages are perhaps the best way of taking care of our skin and ensuring it looks youthful and radiant for a long amount of time...
Face Shaving for Women: Pros and Cons, Best Practice Tips
These days shaving your face goes beyond the basics of hair removal and into a world of complex grooming. With more products now catering to the facial...
Facial Toners aren’t Just for Teens - There’s One for Every Skin Type
Toners are water-like skincare products, which should be used after you've washed your face but before using your serum or moisturizer. Acids, glycerin...
How Often Should You Wash Your Face if You Have Acne?
While it’s important to keep your face clean, over-cleansing can actually do more harm than good. There are a lot of factors that contribute to acne, like bacteria and hormonal imbalances....
How to Exfoliate Your Face: Proven Methods and Tools, Types of Exfoliation
Skin exfoliation refers to the process of getting rid of dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin, thus getting a clearer and brighter complexion. However, if not...