Flowing Thoughts

Are Trending Face Masks Worth All the Hype?
Makeup and skincare trends come and go like the seasons and one such obsession revolved around face masks. These sheet masks are marketed....
What are the Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Your Underarms?
Underarms have been a perpetual worry for many people on this planet. How do you make them less sweaty? What do you do when they get dark? Should you wax or shave......
What are Blemishes, and How Can You Get Rid of Them?

Any form of spot, stain, discolouration, or imperfection that develops on the skin is referred to as a blemish. Although blemishes are unsightly and might make you feel unpleasant, the majority...


Eyelash Growing Hacks For Fuller, Longer Lashes
Fuller, thicker lashes are probably coveted by most women on this planet and why not? Healthy, long lashes can really enhance the beauty of your eyes...
How to Detox Your Skin? - 10 Ways to Detoxify your Skin
Every day, your skin faces environmental damage from sun exposure, pollution, bacteria, dirt and debris. This ends up clogging your pores and dulling your complexion...
Ms. Self-doubt & Friends
I feel like a small-little-nothing sometimes. Like my words have no meaning, my thoughts no voice and my life, no direction. I feel as if I am just a puppet, with someone else’ fingers twisting and turning me.